Brand new landmark study published today by the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that not only does brain training slow mental decline, but also, "significantly reduces the difficulty of the instrumental activities of daily living".
As if that's not enough to convince you of the importance of adding routine brain training to your regimen, this incredible new 5-year study also found that brain training resulted in improved cognitive abilities specific to the abilities trained that "continued 5 years after the initiation" of the brain training.
Wow, now that's a good return on your time investment!
By comparison, your physical body starts to lose the benefits of exercise merely weeks after stopping. This just shows that investing time in brain exercise pays off handsomely, even long after you do it. Even more reason to start a brain exercise program...
Want more? The study even showed that short mental workout sessions do the trick, so even allocating a short block of time each day (just as many of us try to do with physical exercise) is all that is needed to start slowing down the mental aging clock significantly.
Oh, and it's never too late to start: the study found these results on over 2,800 people aged from 65 all the way to 94...
Time to get back to those BrainCasts and BrainFlex Worksheets! ;)