The BrainReady Guide to the Best Brain Supplements, Part 2: PS
Our second entry in the BrainReady Best Brain Supplements series (be sure to see our first post on vinpocetine) is Phosphatidylserine, the hard-to-pronounce-and-spell natural supplement more commonly referred to as 'PS'.
Phosphatidylserine is a naturally occurring molecule known as a phospholipid, and has been shown to be important for the integrity and maintenance of the brain cell membranes. Because it is depleted by stress hormones such as cortisol, it is often deficient in people with chronic stress, which given how so many of us fit into that category, that may well mean you.
That's where PS supplementation may be beneficial, particularly because this is a natural element in our bodies and brains that may simply become depleted from such factors as stress, and hence may be just one more element contributing to one's mental decline.
PS is also noteworthy as it has been studied and identified as a promising for those experiencing cognitive decline: dietary supplementation with PS has been shown to slow, halt, and, in many cases, even reverse age-related cognitive decline. It has been scientifically established to be among the most effective substances to consistently result in often dramatic cognitive improvements and enhancements of other higher brain functions, and many PS users can attest to the "whole brain" benefits that they feel.
One BrainReady user emailed us to say that, "PS is the one brain supplement that actually just made my brainpower and mental abilities feel like they used to", which is consistent with the kind of non-specific, overall brain-boosting effects which many claim PS provides.
PS is found naturally in such foods as fish, soybeans, rice and leafy green vegetables. When the first PS supplements came to market in the 1980's, most were derived from cows, and later changed to be derived from soy beans as most are today (largely due to worries about mad cow disease or other potential issues given the animal source). There is some debate as to whether the soy-based PS supplements are as effective as the animal ones, but the combination of real-world consumer claims as to the efficacy of the soy-based current versions plus a handful of more recent research studies suggest that the newer soy-based ones do provide benefits.
Caveats: PS can be expensive, so it is often included as part of other brain supplement 'cocktails' which combine several supplements such as PS, Vinpocetine and others into one supplement. Given the benefits of the other supplements involved, this may be a better approach anyway as the odds of deriving some mental benefit are increased, yet this wouldn't tell you whether or not any one of the supplements individually were providing some of the key benefits (nor how much). If you're very curious about PS or another brain supplement in particular, it would be best to try each on its own for a period of time to gauge efficacy as well as any possible less desirable side effects.
The safety profile for PS is appears excellent, with no noteworthy side effects or contraindications known when taken at recommended dosages (dosage depends on supplement size/quantity), but as with any supplement, natural or otherwise, it's always best to check with your health care provider first if you have any concerns, or just to be safe.
Our take: we've tried a few different PS sources, both PS-only ones and as part of larger combination brain supplements. The PS-only ones we tried all appear to "work", particularly after at least two weeks of taking the supplement daily, providing an overall sense of mental quickness, less fogginess, and also a noteworthy effect (at least we perceived) on overall mental stress level. In fact, the anti-stress component was perhaps equally beneficial in our experience as the brain-boosting feeling, a welcome combination for those with busy, stressful lives or those feeling cognitive problems as the result of chronic stress (ill loved ones, other medical problems that reduce quality of life, and so on).
PS is hence on our list of favorites.
Next up: L-Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine (Alpha-GPC)!